Thursday 4 July 2019

How Mobile Apps Have Literally Changed The Stuffs In Dubai?

When it comes to technology, Dubai is one of the finest hubs all across the globe. Dubai is the one among the very few countries, who are capable of investing quality funds on studies and research not only on technical domains but on every area of detail.

The very first day when smartphones were introduced to the market we were on the verge of a transformation. Followed was the revolution brought in to existence by mobile apps. They play a crucial role in transforming our lives. From booking a cab to get food delivered at the doorstep and to get in touch with our friends and family, mobile apps have disrupted the conventional ways of how things were done.  If Smartphones are a vehicle, the apps are its fuels. One of the main reasons why the smartphone market outraged was because of mobile apps.

Things are not different when mobile apps come to Dubai. It has brought ease and flexibility in the life of Dubai people. More or the less, it has been reached out to a point where life without mobile apps is even unable to imagine.

How Mobile Apps become much popular?

We were quite unaware of the reality that how consistently mobile apps were blended in becoming a vital factor in our lives. Yet, many come up with a question of how mobile apps gained this much popularity. So let’s have a detailed look on to those factors which made mobile app prominent and popular in and out Dubai.

One of the primary reasons why mobile apps gained much popularity is the facilities they offer. What people need is more convenience and transparency in day to day activities, which is actively been offered by a mobile app. Let’s take an example. There was a time where financial transactions and money transfers were only carried out by visiting a bank. People have to spare their precious time, stand in long queues and wait at the bank till their token number falls on the board. It was such a tedious and tiresome task. With the arrival of mobile apps, things have changed abruptly. Today, we can transfer funds to anyone, anywhere across the globe within a fraction of time without even visiting the bank. Thanks to mobile apps, we are fortunate enough.

Directly or indirectly, mobile apps are constantly improving the lifestyle of many people around us. Mobile apps built by man B2C companies offers a wide range of job opportunities to the common man as well as someone who is looking for an extra income. Food delivery apps, taxi apps and many other mobile apps which meet our day to day requirements are the live examples of offering employment opportunities.

The other reason why mobile apps are much popular is that they enhance work productivity. From the perception of a company, mobile apps raised their productivity level. Various tools available for managing tasks, events, schedules and meetings eventually helped companies to increase the output when compared to manual activities.

Easiness in the usage paved the way for the wide usage and popularity of mobile apps. Anyone regardless of their age group can easily access mobile apps are they possess a great user interface and offers wonderful user experience. Mobile apps are designs in such a way that it has to save time and offers users feel-good experience. As mobile apps are created by top mobile application development companies in Dubai, who are much creative and innovative, these apps let users stay on them for a long period of time as they find it quite interesting.

Simplification of tasks is another main feature which prompts the usage of mobile apps. Mobile apps help people simplify their tasks in a minimal time period. As an example, we can take the example of ticket booking app. In earlier days, people have to go and approach the vendors in order to get their tickets booked. Right now, it’s been simplified and tickets of any kind can be booked at fingertips anywhere across the globe.

The next feature when it comes to the wide adoption of the mobile application is the quick connection and the way it enhances one in being socialized. Bonding between relationships has increased after the arrival of mobile apps. Social mobile apps let its users connect to their dear once at an instant of time thereby letting them connected during each time of the day. Earlier, the conventional ways of getting touch with families were either through just phone calls. After the arrival of mobile apps, things changed abruptly as users are connected not only through phone calls but also by video calls and even video conferences with anyone from any part of the world.

Access to the right information is the other main feature hosted by mobile apps. In this digital era, we have many resources which can give us access to all relevant information. Mobile apps play a very important role in connecting us to the right information. Even social media apps also keep us updated on daily activities that are happening around.

Mobile apps are convenient and reliable, thus enhancing the standard of our lives. Mobile apps let common people enjoy the lives of the high class by giving much offers and discounts. There is still a mobile app which helps normal people to rent luxury cars as long as they need. They accelerate the economy by making everyone updated and stay up to the mark. The commute base mobile apps help people to get a convenient mode of transportation at any time of the day.

Mobile applications help us in having a deep awareness of our health and life expectancy rate.  In the older days, diagnosing disease and it curing took much time as the technology was not much advanced. Far away from that point, we now stand in a space where the doctors are available at one’s fingertips. Health care industry goes completely disrupted once after mobile apps where introduces.
Integration of latest technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, augmented reality and virtual reality to mobile apps paved the way to enhance its popularity among users. With the arrival of AI to mobile apps, the mobile app development industry has got a drastic rise because of the wide popularity artificial intelligence has. Artificial intelligence enhances customer experience and from the perspective of a business, integrating AI to the mobile app can improve its efficiency. AR/VR is the latest trends which enable customers to experience a virtual world out of their space.
From any company’s point of view, mobile apps are bringing fortune to them. Whether it may be expanding their business or process, achieving their targets or converting numbers to business, Mobile apps play a vital role. As mobile app offers promotion of business, they can outreach to their potential clients as well.

Above discussed were some points on what it made mobile apps more popular in and out of Dubai. As a conclusion, we can say that mobile applications are playing a significant role in transforming our day to day lives. Thinking about a situation where there are no mobile apps is far more beyond our reality.  It without any second thought, we can firmly say that mobile applications are having a huge impact on the lives of people in and out of Dubai.

About the Author

Mr. Sam Albert works as a mobile app developer at one of the leading apps development company in Dubai

DxMinds is the global service provider of various digital transformation services such as mobile appdevelopment, Chatbot development, Artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Cryptocurrency development, cryptocurrency exchange  development, internet of things etc. If you have any query regarding any of these above mentioned services, or is interested to associate with DxMinds, you can drop a mail at

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam Albert. This is really an Informative blog. Mobile Apps are changing the way we live. Tech markets like Dubai which appreciate convenience more than anything else, mobile apps are selling like hotcakes.

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